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Concentration Area: MUSIC in the Contemporaneity

Research lines:

1) The line of research MUSIC, CREATION AND EXPRESSION includes research on musical creation processes, musical performance, composition and other music interfaces with creation and art expression. More details: in this line of research are accepted researchers instrumentalists, singers, conductors and composers developing work involving performance. Covers issues and investigations into the actions and interactions of music making in the contemporary arising of performing instrumental/singing activities both solo, chamber and large groups. Approaches and objects of study include the varied repertoires, technology as an educational tool, both technological and methodological innovation as the processes of teaching and practice with interpretive purposes from the perspective of the contemporary world. The admission process requires artistic knowledge assessment in performance or composition.


2) The line of research MUSIC, EDUCATION AND HEALTH includes research on educational processes in music, music therapy, music psychology and other music interfaces with education and health. More details: this line accepts researchers to develop work on music therapy in its various areas of application in their theoretical and practical levels; music education, involving methodologies of music education and possible innovations and technological applications; pedagogy and psychology of performance; music psychology, in studies involving creative processes, music cognition and / or studies related to psychology, neuroscience; and studies on the functioning of the body related to the musician's activities. This line does not require instrumental/vocal performance assessment for admission.


3) The research line MUSIC, CULTURE AND SOCIETY focuses on research addressing dialogues between musicology and related areas, especially the history, philosophy, anthropology and sociology, and seeks to include the plural paths of the contemporary musicology. More details: this line of research analyzes and interprets classical music, traditional, popular, in its historical, social and cultural context for using both tools of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, anthropology, sociology and cultural history. It treats the music as integral and inseparable phenomena of the web of relationships that make up the culture and society in a particular time and place. This line does not require instrumental/vocal performance assessment for admission.